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Thursday 22 March 2012

Stone Stories

(Hate walls of text? Then here's a way to cheat: watch these videos to get the gist of our topic today!)

Igneous rock:

Sedimentary rock, and how it evolves into metamorphic rock: 

The origin of this geological matter seems as though it is more of a contradiction rather than a fact of life.  People have long believed that stones - or rather rocks - are created from scratch but in actual geological context, the rock formation process is actually a cycle whereby the rocks are created, eroded and reformed once again.  The oldest rock was formed approximately 4.6 billion years ago.  Thus, one can only imagine how that rock was formed.

The diagram below shows the formation process of stones/rocks:

Different types of rocks reside in different strata, as illustrated below:

Volcanic activity plays a vital role in the formation of rocks.  As magma cools in the magma chambers, intrusive igneous rocks and minerals such as granite are formed.  Once the volcano erupts, the lava drools down causing it to eventually cool down.  This will create - or rather, form - extrusive igneous rocks.  In the long run, these rocks will be eroded by wind and rain. The eroded materials then find its way into the ground and waterways.  What next?  The sedimentary materials that rest at the bottom of oceans, lakes and rivers will accumulate.  Over a long period, the new layers will cover and compress the older layers. The older layers will become harder due to extreme pressure and in turn form sedimentary rocks.

Natural stone has been used in most constructional applications namely, green design. Energy price has increased and the need for energy conservation when heating or cooling buildings have recently brought it to the fore. Dimension rock is an example of a sustainable natural rock which is created by the separation of natural bedrock underlying all land on every continent.

Rock formation actually involves the formation of igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks and metamorphosis rocks.  Once the sedimentary rocks are formed, it metamorphoses into metamorphic rocks.  This depends on the temperature and pressure exerted on the layers of rock. These rocks actually undergo a process of stretching and compression.

The demand for beautifully cut, perfectly formed rocks and stones has birthed an industry for artificial stones, which are synthetically manufactured stones. These stones are gaining footage and popularity for the level of control afforded by synthetic production.  Artificial stones are made from crushed natural stones bonded together using Portland cement with a minimum water/cement ratio. Not all artificial stones become part of a structure; sometimes they can stand solo as a decorative piece in a home. Luxury home are particularly partial to these decorative stones. In short, artificial stones are manufactured for the ease of meeting the increasingly stringent demands of clients.

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